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What I’ve Learned Working With 200+ Dealerships

I was thinking about Gladwell’s book, Outliers, and wondered where my experience in the auto industry stacked up to his idea of an expert. Much to my surprise, earlier this year I had reached 10,000 hours of working one-on-one with dealerships. I don’t consider myself a guru or an expert by any means, but my recent discovery does hold some weight to it. 

Given the array of dealers, what I really wanted to know was what, if anything, do they all have in common? Is there a string I can thread through all of the dealerships in which we can draw conclusions, expectations, and lessons? 

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Are You Missing Marketing Opportunities? Halloween & More

Here at Authntk Walkaround Videos, we hold a very unique vantage point. 

We have the opportunity to interact with hundreds of dealerships on a daily basis, and it’s our job to familiarize ourselves with their respective marketing efforts. We see a wide variety of tactics from basic sales techniques to blowout events. 

We’ve found the most popular dealerships share a strategy that can easily be learned and implemented, and that is one of seizing opportunities

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The Secret to Communicating with Customers

By 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator (Walker), and communication is key to setting the stage. Back in the day, we had one option to get in touch with a customer: a phone call. Now, open any one of our devices and there’s Pandora’s box of communication, take your pick. 

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Fascinating Replies to Dealer Videos

We can sell you on video all day, but you’re really better off hearing it from the customers.

Most of our dealerships take advantage of the Authntk Text Option, which automatically sends a text message in addition to the video email. Customers are then able to reply to the video via text, and we’re loving what they have to say!

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