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Video of the Month Lands Next-Day Sale

His passion is infectious, his knowledge undeniable, his energy moves people to action… he is Al Baker of Deery Brothers Iowa City!  

Deery Brothers has been using Authntk Walkaround Videos since 2015 and they’ve been seeing great results (see Deery testimonial video here). Al Baker has been in the auto industry for 25 years, and averages 20-25 vehicles sold per month. If you’ve never met Al or watched one of his videos, hang onto your hats and enjoy the ride!

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6 Tips: Building Your Personal Brand as a Car Salesman

Can we all agree that a huge part of selling a car, well… isn’t about the car at all? 

So much of selling has to do with the story you tell, the trust you create, and the value you convey. That’s where your brand comes in. With a little muscle implementing our tips below, you’ll have half the battle won before you even meet the customer. 

Before we dive in, here are a few brainstorming questions you might consider…

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Video of the Month Wins Toronto Maple Leafs Tickets


Lauren is starting the new year off with a bang; not only did she land Authntk’s Video of the Month for January, but she also snagged Toronto Maple Leafs tickets for winning Alta Automotive Group’s Video Contest! 

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Video of the Month – Short. Sweet. Powerful.

Congratulations to Joshlene Escobar, Internet Specialist at New Market Infiniti in New Market, Ontario! The short, sweet and powerful video she created using Walkaround Videos stole our hearts as well as the December Video of the Month Award!

With her impeccable timing and low-key approach, Joshlene makes a DISTINCT, LASTING IMPRESSION, with video. Put yourself in the customer’s shoes, and imagine receiving the following video:

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Using Walkaround Videos’ YouTube Integration to Expand Your Digital Footprint

Let’s face it. Search matters.

A recent report by YouTube found that, “Almost 50% of Internet users looked for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store”

So if you want new customers to visit you, it stands to reason that you first need them to find a video about the vehicle they are interested in.

This post tells you how Authntk Walkaround Videos can help you do exactly that.

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[VIDEO] in the Subject Line: How to Increase Your Email Open and Click-through Rates

According to a 2015 report by HighQ, 2015 The Year of Video Marketing, adding the word “video” to your subject line can have a dramatic increase in your email engagement.

The report states that email open rates are boosted 19%, there is a 65% increase in click-through rate and unsubscribes are reduced by 26%. 

Let me go ahead and say that again… Just by sending a video via email, and including “video” in the email subject line:

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Video of the Month – Show Them What LOVE Is!

Congratulations to Brandon McNeil of Steele Chevrolet in Dartmoth, Nova Scotia! The original, light-hearted video he created using Walkaround Videos has snagged our Video of the Month!

With his outside-the-box thinking and creativity, Brandon shows a great way to impress the customer and create a DISTINCT, LASTING IMPRESSION with video… 

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