4 Ways To Supercharge Your Personal Brand

Are you looking to create or jumpstart your own personal brand as a car salesman?

Investing in a personal brand increases customer recognition, gives you an edge on your competition, increases customer loyalty, and eases dealership transitions. Take sales into your own hands today with 4 ways to build your personal brand and sell more cars.

Create A Persona or Name

80% of customers cannot remember a sales persons name one year after their purchase. What can you do to help your customers remember you? You create a persona, a name that people will remember, with a personality that matches. Bob is just Bob, but Bob the Car King is the king of cars, and that is what people will remember. Here are a few real examples…

Mr Honda of San Diego

Subie Seller

Your NJ Car Guy

Bob the Car King

Your Car Guy Lee

The Deal Maker

Communicate With Video

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world with 3 billion searches per month. Since Google owns YouTube, it’s a must if you want to garner attention in search results. Video is the best way to show what text emails cannot – your personality, brand, and connection with customers. Authntk Walkaround Videos even has an option to automatically send every video you record to your YouTube channel in real-time. Statistics show your prospects are looking at videos of cars online. Who will they see – you or your competitors?

Social Media Presence

Are your customers on social media? Why not join them? Opportunities to reach your target audience are endless and free. Having social accounts dedicated to your brand allows you to create compelling content that is easily shared, update customers staying top-of-mind, and show a personal side to yourself – people connect with people, not car salesmen.

Bring Value

What is it that you bring to the table that your competitor’s don’t? It helps to offer information that only you can, like vehicle background, previous owners, insight on interest rates, or dealership monthly goals? Most salesman don’t mention the things that customers actually need salesman for. Bringing unique value to the table creates trust, gives you an edge on competitors, builds relationships, and helps customers consider you as a resource instead of a salesman. What is your modus operandi for creating value?

Building your brand can be priceless and invaluable, but it’s important to note most of the above strategies are free! Your personal brand is a decision away. If you need help jumpstarting your brand with video, contact us at info@authntk.com!

Sources: NADA, Joe Verde Group

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