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Manager Takes Over Leads For A Week, Proves Video Works

In April I published one of Authntk’s most successful blog posts, Q+A: Senior Manager of Auto Group Talks Video with Authntk. It was the first of two posts featuring our interview with JP Ostiguy, Director of Retail Sales and Operations at the Alta Automotive Group. He works with over 20 dealerships and has the highest volume and #1 closing ratio for internet leads in Canada. The average dealership JP manages brings in about 130 internet leads per month, not including used cars. 

For our second post on JP’s interview, I’m giving you the full and unedited video that was recorded live on YouTube. I’m also highlighting a few really important topics that were not mentioned in the first post. 

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Q+A: Senior Manager of Auto Group Talks Video with Authntk

JP Ostiguy is the Director of Retail Sales and Operations at the Alta Automotive Group in Ontario, Canada. He’s been overseeing Internet Sales for 15 years and started advocating for video and digital marketing back when it wasn’t “cool” to do so. He works with over 20 dealerships, helping them manage the internet process and science of communication. Over the years he has turned the digital implementation process into a true craft, and that’s exactly why we wanted to sit down with him.

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[INFOGRAPHIC] The Ultimate List: “Uses for the Authntk App”

Are you only using the Authntk App for walkaround videos?

That’s like Tony Romo only throwing to Terrance Williams when he’s got Dez Bryant and Ezekiel Elliot. Does Jordan Spieth play a whole round with only his pitching wedge, leaving his driver and irons behind? Imagine if Clayton Kershaw threw a changeup, every single pitch. Get it? #sportsanalogies

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5 Shocking Statistics That Will Change the Way You Sell

Reality check. We’re not living in the Information Age anymore. Newspaper and banner ads have long been forgotten across sales marketing meetings around the world. Our most basic vehicle for communicating and information gathering, text, is now being replaced with video, emojis, GIF’s, augmented reality, and voice assistants.

This is all fine and good… unless you’re not along for the ride. Having to reevaluate your style of selling to reflect the latest generation and technologies is inevitable. These five stats will give you a nice jump start into the current era. Take them in and be sure you’re mirroring the changing of age to improve your sales and marketing strategies.

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